Boosting the capacity of mobile networks, improving their energy efficiency with 5G is the key enabling technology for time-critical, reliable process automation in factories of the future.
This 5G proof of concept is about enabling high-performance, cost-efficient wireless services in tomorrow's Megacities, by meeting very diverse requirements in dense urban environments by adjusting network configuration to actual needs.
Taking the FAN ENGAGEMENT trend to 5G. Smarter venue services with high-quality content and contextualised information for fans along their journey. Giving fans a more interactive, immersive and participative experience like never before.
A 5G Proof of Concept focusing on ultra reliable low latency communications for V2X services, such as tele-operated driving and assisted/cooperative/autonomous driving.
Taking 5G to farming and agriculture through low cost networks for underserved and remote areas. Long-range connectivity enabling automated and smart farming.
Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.