5G Rollout: A distributed cloud and radio platform designed and developed for municipalities and infrastructure owners acting as 5G neutral hosts. A winner of the 2021 5G-IA Trials WG Tials and Pilots Competition.
Intelligent lighting system for smart cities with easily managed and maintained lighting poles. Reducing energy consumption by up to 70% when combining full LED lamps.
Providing streaming information to all vehicles involved in emergency health services. Helping spot potential obstacles not detectable through on-board sensors.
Alerting drivers about possible obstacles and activating emergency braking systems where needed. Facilitating real-time exchange of data, enabling positioning accuracy, improving resilience and reducing energy consumption.
Advancing factory and process automation by taking the controlling functionality of robotics to the cloud. Transferring huge amounts of data instantaneously. Enabling high availability and lower latency as key for increasing the numbers of functions that can be performed remotely.
Targeting the emerging neighbourhood market of energy and energy services. Maximizing microgrid self-consumption and reducing energy exchange at the higher-level grid.
Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.