The purpose of the ICA system is to alert drivers about the existence of any possible obstacles and, if necessary, activate the emergency braking system. The communication infrastructure facilitates a real-time exchange of data between the entities involved.
In terms of ITU 5G functionalities, 5G-TRANSFORMER investigates:
Location: Turin (Italy), Pisa (Italy)
Expected date: Q4-2018
Vertical Partners: Centro Ricerche Fiat
Also involved: Ericsson Telecomunicazioni SpA, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Turin University of Technology
Other partners: University Carlos III of Madrid - UC3M (Coordinator), Atos, B-COM, CTTC, Eurecom, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), InterDigital Europe, Madrid City Council - Emergency Assistance and Rescue Service (SAMUR), Mirantis, NEC Corporation, Nextworks Srl, NOKIA Networks, Orange, Telefonica R&I, Turin University of Technology