Webinar Outcomes: 5G Spectrum for Industry Verticals
This webinar zooms in spectrum reqirements across industry verticals, pinpointing common concerns and opportunities to drive the adoption of 5G through collaboration across sectors.
The webinar was moderated by Stephanie Parker, Trust-IT and David Lund, President of Public Safety Communications Europe
Sectrum Needs for ITS: Day-1 and Advanced Use Cases, Reza Karimi (Huawei) and Markus Mueck (Intel), 5GAA
Spectrum for 5G Manufacturing, Ulrich Rehfuess (Nokia), 5G-ACIA
Overview of 5G Deploymenta in Europe, Frederic Pujol (iDATE), European 5G Observatory
Spectrum and 5G-Assets for the Media Industry, Antonio Arcidiacono, 5G-MAG Chair
5G Spectrum for Public Safety Communications, Gérard Carmona, Mission de préfiguration des réseaux radio du futur, Ministère de l'intérieur
We are witnessing a variety of spectrum requirements across industry verticals, with some still in a nascent stage. We can learn from spectrum assignments across the world to see which frequencies and usage models fit best under which circumstances. However, there are still many open questions and critical actions to optmise spectrum usage within and across verticals for the benefit of all. Getting the balance right between these needs, including public and private networks is an overarching takeaway from this webinar.
#1 (panel): Urgent need for cooperation across industry verticals and other stakeholders to ensure best possible use of spectrum.
By joining forces, industry verticals can work out ways to optimise spectrum usage, such as combining different technologies and frequency bands, including the use of multicast and broadcast technologies. Optimised spectrum usage must also focus on sustainable approaches, including coverage of the entire population, spanning mobiles and vertical use cases.
A key challenge lies in finding viable solutions that will trigger investments across operators, verticals and governments in the right measure while working out the best possible RoI. Corporative models could be the way forward for best using this scarce resource. The key lies in prioritising smarter, combined approaches.
#2 (panel): Critical need for harmonisation on the technical level.
For example, there is a real need to harmonise certain bands at the global level or across large regional areas. Harmonisation on a technical level is critical as it is not feasible to have 100s of fequencies in devices. Nor is it possible to build devices for small markets. It is equally important to reduce the complexity on the base station side. A common technical base is therefore crucial.
Looking more specifically at each vertical, we highlight the following:
#3 (automotive): Call to support sufficient spectrum assignment for mobile communication networks for automotive and ITS use cases
5GAA places great value on the importance of V2N communication in enabling future advanced driving use cases, as supported by the Uu interface of C-V2X. The 5GAA recommendation is that national and regional administrations ensure the availability of sufficient spectrum for mobile communication networks in the so-called low bands and mid bands to support services, including Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), in the coming decade.
Webinar recording
The full webinar recording is available on the 5G PPP YouTube channel here.