The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is the primary body for developing technology specifications for cellular networks. It self-organises through its Working Groups coordinated by the Chairs of the Technical Specifications Groups (TSGs)
CT WG4 - MAP/CAMEL/GTP/BCH/SS (TSG Core Network and Terminals WG4) standardises stage 2 and stage 3 aspects within the Core Network focusing on:
- Supplementary Services.
- Basic Call Processing.
- Mobility Management within the Core Network.
- Bearer Independent Architecture.
- GPRS between network entities.
- Transcoder Free Operation.
- Generic User Profile.
- Wireless LAN - UMTS interworking and descriptions of IP Multimedia Subsystem.
CT WG4 is also responsible as a "protocol steward" for the some IP related protocols (this involves analysing, validating, extending if necessary, clarifying how they are used, specifying packages and parameter values).
Peter Schmitt, CT4 Chair, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Member of CCSA. Elected in April 2019.
Yvette Koza, CT4 Vice-Chair, Deutsche Telekom AG. Member of ETSI. Elected in May 2019.
Yue Song, CT4 Vice-Chair, China Mobile Com. Corp (CMCC). member of CCSA. Elected in November 2018.