RAN Rel-18: Requirements for Railway from UIC
Ingo Wendler from the worldwide railway organisation, UIC, presented challenges and requirements in view of the upcoming Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS)*.
- Limited spectrum in 900 MHz FDD and a need for lasting coexistence
- GSM-R is in operation and will remain operational alongside FRMCS
- Railway's constraints imply to preserve at least 10-14 GSM-R carriers dependent on the traffic demands in specific railway environments.
- Use case envisions co-location of GSM-R & FRMCS at similar power.
Study Item Objectives
- Identify the range of channel bandwidths less than 5 MHz to meet regulatory spectrum block allocations (with limitation to FDD).
- Identify limitations to NR physical layer to support narrowband channel bandwidth (i.e., channel design synchronisation, train speed);
FRMCS deployments in Europe will start in 2025.
- The use of FRMCS, as opposed to the use of GSM-R, will increase significantly because it will also go hand in hand with the digitisation and automation of rail traffic.
- The challenge is to coordinate the different roadmaps of the European countries in the rail ecosystem through technological adjustments (e.g., use of 5G NR).
- The provision of the CBW <5MHz is a global initiative together with partners like Anterix, Qualcomm and Nokia.
- Study proposal is an opportunity to design the 3GPP 5GS ecosystem for an even broader user community.
* Editorial note:
GSM-R, Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway or GSM-Railway is an international wireless communications standard for railway communication and applications. It will be gradually replaced by FRMCS.
Download the presentation here.