Benefits for the Automotive Industry
Safety, mobility, comfort and convenience as integrated services are essential for offering value to customers and society. Improving safety is key for significantly reducing fatalities (over 1.25 million/year)
and non-fatal injuries as a result of traffic crashes. The new capabilities of 5G bring a variety of opportunities that can take automotive to a safer and connected future.
5G Capabilities and Functionalities
In terms of 5G functionalities, 5GCAR investigates:
Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB): extending cellular coverage and improving network capacity. Ultra-reliable low latency communications: applications requiring high reliability and low latency connectivity, e.g. mission-critical services. Strong security and availability requirements
About this 5GCAR Automotive Demonstration
Summary of scenario: A camera system detects the vehicles approaching the lane merge. This information is fused with the connectivity data from the connected vehicles. The system then sends speed advice to the connectived vehicle, facilitating the manoeuvre for the incoming vehicle.
The lane merge coordination demonstration deals with the automated creation of gaps for cars entering a lane, using cellular communication and a centralised lane merge maneuver planning. In the planned setup, a fixed camera installation near the intersection is used to also detect vehicles that are not connected, and thus cannot receive instructions or communicate their location and intentions.
Location: Linas (France)
Date: June 2019
Vertical Partners: Volvo Cars, PSA Groupe
Also involved: Ericsson (coordinator), Orange, KCL, Marben, Viscoda, CTAG
Other partners: Chalmers University of Technology, CTAG, Kings College London, Nokia, Sequans
5GCAR has developed a 5G system architecture providing network connectivity for the automotive industry relying on the new capabilities of 5G and unleashing new business opportunities.
Other 5GCAR demonstrations on automotive include: Cooperative Perception for Manoeuvres of Connected Vehicles and Vulnerable Road User Protection The video below features all three cases, which collectively show the potential of connected driving. The demo took place in June 2019 at the UTAC-CERAM test track in Linas, France.